While improving SSG (Style Sheet Generation) i made this plugin hopping it might be usefull for some webdesigners to get better messures.
There is a left upper menu with 3 inputs (type numbers)
Download grid_lines.js file here
Create a reference:
- <script src="grid_lines.js"></script>
Add following line in your site:
- <script>
- $.grid_lines();
- </script>
- store // true/false for saving last settings
- borderStyle // css border
- hideKey // KeyCode to hide grid lines, its set to 72 (for Key H) as default
- widthReduceBy // reduce width if need
- heightReduceBy // reduce height if needed
- isHidden // true/false to show or hide grid lines at first start. Its also stored If store options is set to TRUE
An example with options
- $.grid_lines({
- isHidden: true,
- borderStyle: '1px solid blue',
- widthReduceBy: 19
- });
To get all informations and download please see our main site Havalite.net