Add following files in the head part of your site:- jQuery & jQuery ui
- html2Canvas.js
- jpipette.js & jpipette.css
Eexample code:
// html<input type="text" name="myInput">
// JavaScript$(document).ready(function(){ $('input').jPipette(); )}
The Options:
, // RGB or HEX showPalette:true
, // Boolean palette:['fff', 'ccc', 'C0C0C0',..., '663366']
, // array of color values screenshot:300
// screenshot width or set to False to remove icon
Browser Compatibility
Jpipette is tested only on HTML5 capable browsers, such as: Chrome, Firefox, Safari (Sorry IE is a pain)
The Trick
There is no straight way to get the color of every element on a website except by converting the whole site to one image by using html5 Canvas. The plugin Html2Canvas was a great help for me to make this possible.
The only problem is when using external images. These might be blocked by the browser and cant be seen in the canvas conversion. Also the methode by loading external images will take a lot of time to manage. So make sure all images are saved in the right place.