Havalite CMS


 Welcome to Havalite CMS (This project is no more supported or improved)

Havalite, a lightweight, open source CMS Blog based on PHP and SQLite db. It’s licensed under the GNU General Public License.


  1. Simple 1 step wizard installation
  2. Text, Images and swf files all saved as data in SQLite Database
  3. Two different image sizes: Original and Thumbnail
  4. Many image filters (require GD Extension)
  5. Export database to any Server without changing a single line or database structure
  6. Backup for the whole system including images in only one SQLite file.
    Backup current database OR all databases as zip file
  7. Run multiple databases according to subdomains
    (Install once and use for many subdomains)
  8. A lite weight and clear interface
  9. Support for 37 international languages
    Many Interface languages done on the fly with our language Creator Tool
  10. CKEditor a great WYSIWYG Text-Editor
  11. Ajax save
  12. Integration of third-party Plugins and Sidebar Widgets, specially jQuery, with the ability of plugin configuration
  13. plenty of useful functions for Theme creation + Theme Preview, Plugins Creation, and Sidebar Widgets
  14. RSS Feeds for Posts, Categories and Comments
  15. A Mobile Detector to switch in Mobile mode
  16. Live update within 2 seconds (version 1.1.3 and above)


  1. Apache web server with mod_rewrite and .htaccess file support enabled
  2. php5 or above with PDO and SqLite3 driver enabled
  3. a Browser (such as Firefox5, Google Chrom) with activated JavaScript

User Documentation

  1. Installing Havalite
    1. How to install
  2. Dashboard
    1. Backup Database (A link to the SQLite database file)
    2. Find and Replace (See document)
    3. Users Board (Share information with other registered users)
    4. Havalite RSS feeds (Latest information, updates, plugins etc.)
    5. Login to Safe Folder
      1. configuration file (config.php)
      2. Database
      3. Php info (server information)
      4. htaccess creator (Create or change password fpr safe folder)
      5. Updater (Live System Update)
      6. phpLiteAdmin
  3. Posts (view a table of all posts and pages)
    1. Pages (view only static pages)
    2. New Post (Create a new post or page)
    3. Categories (Edit, Sort Categories, copy posts to another category)
    4. Comments (View, edit, approve, unapprove, delete, replay comments)
    5. Links (View all links, Create new or edit existing)
  4. Media (view a table of all images or swf files which saved in the database)
    1. Media Upload (Upload all sorts of files, save only image or swf files to the database)
    2. Media Categories (Create or edit categories for media files, copy media files to another category)
  5. Settings (Edit all options, see also the function hava_options(); )
    1. Blog information (Blog title, Tagline, Description, Bolg URL, Front page)
    2. Design (Default theme, Post amount, Date/Time, Page category, Images thumbnail, Image filter, Mobile, Error page text)
    3. System (Language (36 international languages), Limit results, Notification email, Users board, Members Privileges, Additional styles, Backup options, System colour)
    4. Editor Configurations (Editor Height, Toolbars, Always Maximize Editor, define styles (See also Text-Editor configurations. CKEditor Configurations))
  6. Plugins (De-, Activation single plugin, Configuration (See all plugins), Add any of your Plugins to the Toolbar)
    1. Sidebar Widgets (10 standard widgets to add to your sidebars. Additional Widgets are by some plugins)
  7. Users (view a table of all users)
    1. New User (Create account for a new user)
    2. My Profile (Edit own profile)
    3. Log out
  8. Themes
    1. Developing Themes
    2. Finished Layouts