Havalite CMS
Welcome to Havalite CMS (This project is no more supported or improved)
Havalite, a lightweight, open source CMS Blog based on PHP and SQLite db. It’s licensed under the GNU General Public License.
- Simple 1 step wizard installation
- Text, Images and swf files all saved as data in SQLite Database
- Two different image sizes: Original and Thumbnail
- Many image filters (require GD Extension)
- Export database to any Server without changing a single line or database structure
- Backup for the whole system including images in only one SQLite file.
Backup current database OR all databases as zip file - Run multiple databases according to subdomains
(Install once and use for many subdomains) - A lite weight and clear interface
- Support for 37 international languages
Many Interface languages done on the fly with our language Creator Tool - CKEditor a great WYSIWYG Text-Editor
- Ajax save
- Integration of third-party Plugins and Sidebar Widgets, specially jQuery, with the ability of plugin configuration
- plenty of useful functions for Theme creation + Theme Preview, Plugins Creation, and Sidebar Widgets
- RSS Feeds for Posts, Categories and Comments
- A Mobile Detector to switch in Mobile mode
- Live update within 2 seconds (version 1.1.3 and above)
- Apache web server with mod_rewrite and .htaccess file support enabled
- php5 or above with PDO and SqLite3 driver enabled
- a Browser (such as Firefox5, Google Chrom) with activated JavaScript
User Documentation
- Installing Havalite
- Dashboard
- Backup Database (A link to the SQLite database file)
- Find and Replace (See document)
- Users Board (Share information with other registered users)
- Havalite RSS feeds (Latest information, updates, plugins etc.)
- Login to Safe Folder
- configuration file (config.php)
- Database
- Php info (server information)
- htaccess creator (Create or change password fpr safe folder)
- Updater (Live System Update)
- phpLiteAdmin
- Posts (view a table of all posts and pages)
- Pages (view only static pages)
- New Post (Create a new post or page)
- Categories (Edit, Sort Categories, copy posts to another category)
- Comments (View, edit, approve, unapprove, delete, replay comments)
- Links (View all links, Create new or edit existing)
- Media (view a table of all images or swf files which saved in the database)
- Media Upload (Upload all sorts of files, save only image or swf files to the database)
- Media Categories (Create or edit categories for media files, copy media files to another category)
- Settings (Edit all options, see also the function hava_options(); )
- Blog information (Blog title, Tagline, Description, Bolg URL, Front page)
- Design (Default theme, Post amount, Date/Time, Page category, Images thumbnail, Image filter, Mobile, Error page text)
- System (Language (36 international languages), Limit results, Notification email, Users board, Members Privileges, Additional styles, Backup options, System colour)
- Editor Configurations (Editor Height, Toolbars, Always Maximize Editor, define styles (See also Text-Editor configurations. CKEditor Configurations))
- Plugins (De-, Activation single plugin, Configuration (See all plugins), Add any of your Plugins to the Toolbar)
- Sidebar Widgets (10 standard widgets to add to your sidebars. Additional Widgets are by some plugins)
- Users (view a table of all users)
- New User (Create account for a new user)
- My Profile (Edit own profile)
- Log out
- Themes
- Developing Themes
- Finished Layouts